Wellness Holidays in the Dolomites, South Tyrol, Trentino, Belluno Veneto

Even those who love going up and down the mountains on bike will be able to appreciate the delightful opportunity to have an invigorating and regenerative rest.
Dolomites holidays are also synonymous with Dolomites wellbeing. On the other hand, among the many tourist zones on the Dolomites are lots of famous places that stand out from the crowd and can guarantee a high-quality wellness holiday.
If you desire, rather, a holiday that is effectively dedicated to relaxation, you’ll be spoiled for choice. Holidays in the Dolomites can therefore be very relaxing, thanks to its various ultra-famous spas.
The best wellbeing centers are also accessible through the excellent 4 and 3 star Dolomite hotels, as well as low-cost Dolomites camping.
Another comfortable and practical solution is the Dolomite apartments option.
Dolomites wellbeing is distinguished by its spas and wellness centers that offer the best treatments, all structured in a fully functional and modern way. So in the Dolomites you can benefit from a unique combination, where the healthiness and the purity that is typical of the Alps come together in a harmonious way amongst the exclusivity and allure of hot springs that are rich in history and age-old traditions.
Relaxation areas, swimming pools, saunas and spas: a variety that makes it very simple to immerse yourself in the fantastic and magical world of Dolomites wellbeing.
There are truly few places in the world able to offer landscapes that go straight to the heart and at the same time offer the best wellbeing treatments. Here awaiting tourists are top quality treatments, wellbeing centers, and spas that are always able to keep up to date with the best upcoming treatments.
Charm guaranteed by wonderful buildings, many of which date back to the mid-16th century, and elegance and comfort assured by refined atmospheres, everything that characterizes the traditional Alpine culture of the Dolomites.